3.Some scores of people acknowledged that there was a crisis.
4.There are scores of people there, maybe eighty or more.
里有好多人, 也许有80个或者更多。
5.On a clear night scores of meteors streak the sky.
在晴朗夜晚, 好几十颗流星划破长空。
6.This was what they achieved after scores of years of ceaseless labour.
7.The score of the game is two all.
8.The audition was attended by a score of young hopefuls.
9.He superintended the publication of a score of good plays.
10.The skier’s brilliant performance earned him the highest score of the day.
11.Lay those Ghost Petpets to rest and earn a score of 75 on Ghost Bopper.
12.Founded in 1542, Antigua had, in the days of its viceregal glory, scores of splendid government buildings, churches, huge estates, fountains, and plazas.
13.The mean Oswestry Disability Index questionnaire score of steroid-group's patients was statistically significant lower than that of the WFI-group at all postinjection re-evaluations.
14.BJT could improve the scores of urination symptom in NIH-CPSI of chronic prostatitis patients, showed significance on statistics;also improve the uroflowmeter, showed significance on statistics.
15.There were then in Sherwood scores of masterless men like John of Mansfield, and when they heard how Robin had spoiled the Prior of Newark they sought him out with a view to joining him.